How is stamped concrete priced?
Stamped concrete is usually priced based on the area of your project, the specification of steel and concrete and the accessibility to the project.
What type of sub grade should the stamped concrete is placed on?
The sub-grade should be well compacted.Preparation is the key element for the success of any decorative concrete job. Procrete can undertake the preparation of your area and ensure it is ready to receive stamped concrete.
Will stamped concrete crack?
Stamped concrete is no different than regular concrete; and all concrete cracks. We minimize the likelihood of cracks by adding fiber glass to our concrete and by installing expansion joints.
How often should stamped concrete be resealed?
A sealer is affected by weather, traffic and other elements. On average it’s every 4 years high traffic area and 7 years for low traffic areas. Resealing with Procrete is an easy and cost efficient job that will maintain your concrete for a very long time.